호주 대사관
대한민국 & 북한

한호 고등교육 포럼


2024 Australia – Korea Higher Education Forum:

Developing stronger educational and research links between Australia and Korea


Allegro (B1), COEX Intercontinental Hotel - Seoul

Friday 24 May 2024, 1400 - 1640 (Korea)/1500 - 1740 (AEST)


We are pleased to announce that the event was successfully held with a strong support of all the speakers and participants. We extend out gratitude to everyone who contributed to making this event a sucess. 

Please note that this web page will be closed by the end of July.


↓ Download the PPT files 

Speaker PPT File
Session I
Janine Pitt, Counsellor (Education & Research) Australian Embassy /files/seol/akhe_1-1. Aus - Korea Higher Education Forum - May 24.pdf
Sung Ha Park, Director (Regional Human Capital Policy Division) Korean Ministry of Education /files/seol/1-2. 발표자료-대한민국 교육부 박성하.pdf
Session II
Sam Hwang, Counsellor (Industry, Science and Resources), Australian Embassy /files/seol/akhe_2. Korea-Australia Science and Tech Policy Update - DISR-SH.pdf
Session III
Mr Richard Ledger, Senior Executive Officer (Global Engagement and Partnership Strategy Manager), University of Newcastle & Professor Younkyeong Nam, Professor (Director of the Advancing Comprehensive Teacher Education Center for Glocal Project), Pusan National University /files/seol/3.1 호주대사관 발표자료_남윤경.pdf
Professor Paul Gauthier, Professor of Protected Agriculture and Controlled Environment (PACE), The University Queensland, Queensland Alliance for Food Innovations /files/seol/3-2. Paul Gauthier - Presentation Seoul 2024.pdf
Professor Hoon Han, Professor of City Planning, University of New South Wales /files/seol/3-3. UNSW UOGA Deck_Korea engagement_Hoon Han.pdf
Dr Kiyong Byun, Professor (College of Education), Director of Higher Education Policy Research Institute, Korea University /files/seol/3-4. Presentation_Kiyong BYUN_Korea U_20240519_compressed.pdf
Dr Seon Jeong Kim, Director of National Creative Research Initiative Center for Self-Powered Actuation, Professor (Biomedical Engineering), Hanyang University /files/seol/3-5. Research Collaboration_ Seon Jeong Kim_Hanyang_compressed.pdf


About the Forum


Objective and context

   While the Republic of Korea has undeniably been an appealing partner for
   student mobility and research collaboration for Australia, there exists
   significant potential for even deeper cooperation within the higher education    

   The primary objective of the 2024 Australia-Korea Higher Education Forum is to
   foster dynamic and mutually beneficial collaboration between Australian and
   Korean institutions. This initiative aims to share information, promote research
   collaboration and excellence and to strengthen institutional partnerships
   between Australia and Korea.

   The Korean Ministry of Education has recently implemented new policy
   changes in Higher Education that gives authority to Local Governments to
   proactively work with their local Universities and Industry to develop and
   deliver strategic investments aligned with regional growth. This new policy is
   supported by significant funding and a clear focus on increasing international
   engagement – including in research collaboration and student mobility. 
   Australia is very well placed to partner with Korean Universities to maximise
   the new opportunities available for both countries.

   The 2024 Australia-Korea Higher Education Forum recognizes the importance
   of aligning higher education practices with contemporary needs, technological
   advancements, and the evolving demands of the job market. In the ever-
   evolving landscape of global education, both Australia and Korea aim to create
   resilient and adaptable higher education frameworks that meet the aspirations
   of students and industry and to also contribute to deeper understanding and
   engagement between both nations.

Host organisation

   Australian Department of Education (Australian Embassy in Seoul)

   Korean Ministry of Education




   English only





Time (Seoul)



   1330 - 1400


   1400 - 1420

   Introductions and welcome

   Moderator: Juhee Hong, Director (Education & Research), Australian Embassy

   1400 - 1410

  Group Photo

   1410 - 1420

   H.E. Mr Jeff Robinson, Australian Ambassador
   to the Republic of Korea

   Dr. Sung Min Park, Deputy Minister, Office of
   Planning and Coordination, Korean Ministry of

   Opening remarks


   Congratulatory remarks

   1420 - 1500

   Session I: Education Reforms - Transforming Education for the Future

   Both Korea and Australia are going through major educational reform to adapt to the
   changing domestic situation and to prepare for the future. In this session, both
   countries will share updates on their education policies and discuss the context for the
   changes and the opportunities available.

   1420 – 1440

   Australian Universities Accord & Trailblazer Universities Program  

  • Janine Pitt, Counsellor (Education & Research) Australian Embassy  

   1440 – 1500

   Ecosystem of Innovation for Shared Growth by dismantling Barriers Between Regions   
   and College  

  • Sung Ha Park, Director (Regional Human Capital Policy Division) Korean Ministry of Education  

   1500 - 1515

   Coffee Break

   1515 - 1525

   Session II: Science and Research Priorities

   Speaker: Sam Hwang, Counsellor (Industry, Science and Resources),
   Australian Embassy

   1525 - 1630


   Session III: Research and Industry Collaboration Opportunities

   Australia is known for their research collaboration and Korea has strength in
   university-industry collaboration. These fields are closely connected, providing a     
   potential sharing pool for each country. Therefore, this session will be showcasing   
   successful cases from each country and present ideas of potential opportunities
   which lead to deeper linkages between the two countries.




  • Mr Richard Ledger, Senior Executive Officer (Global Engagement and Partnership Strategy Manager), University of Newcastle
    Professor Younkyeong Nam, Professor (Director of the Advancing Comprehensive Teacher Education Center for Glocal Project), Pusan National University (15:25 – 15:40)
  • Professor Paul Gauthier, Professor of Protected Agriculture and Controlled Environment (PACE), The University Queensland, Queensland Alliance for Food Innovations (Title: Bridging Korea-Australia Education through the Innovation Valleys) (15:40 – 15:50) 
  • Professor Hoon Han, Professor of City Planning, University of New South Wales (15:50 – 16:00)
  • Dr Kiyong Byun, Professor (College of Education), Director of Higher Education Policy Research Institute, Korea University (16:00 – 16:10)
  • Dr Seon Jeong Kim, Director of National Creative Research Initiative Center for Self-Powered Actuation, Professor (Biomedical Engineering), Hanyang University (16:10 – 16:20)

   Questions and Answers (16:20-16:30)

   Observations and vote of thanks by Janine Pitt, Counsellor (Education and Research),
   Australian Embassy

  • Launching of Korea Australia Researcher Network (KARN) Advisory Committee
  • Dr Yong-Sik Ok, Professor, Chair and Program Director, APRU Sustainable Waste Management Program

   1630 - 1640


   Event close


Note: The Forum will be followed by an Australia – Korea Networking Reception
- Registration for the Reception will begin at 1730 after the Forum.




Opening Remarks


Congratulatory Remarks


Session I:
Education Reforms - Transforming Education for the Future


Session II:
Science and
Research Priorities


Session III:
Research and Industry Collaboration Opportunities


Launching of Korea Australia Researcher Network (KARN) Advisory Committee