Australian Embassy
Republic of Korea
and Democratic People's Republic of Korea

Child Passport application (5-years validity)

Child Passport application (5-years validity)


Please note that Passport appointment bookings are required for all in person passport applications.


Child Passport Renewal for & First Australian Child Passport application for

✔Applicants aged 16-17 should attend the passport interview with parent(s).

✔Applicants aged under 16 do not have to attend the passport interview.

✔Applicants aged 10 and above should sign the section 18 "Signature to go in the passport".

✔Child renewal applications (excluding 16-17years old) can be lodged via mail-in applications. Click here for more information. 


1. Application form (Application for an Australian Passport - Overseas)

Please complete the application form from the Australian Passport Office website.

-          Australian Passport Website: (Note: You will need to create an account before you commence the process.)

-          Follow the steps & Complete each questionnaires

-          Print at the final stage

Note: Application form containing significant alterations and a large amount of white-out is not acceptable. No alterations can be made to any signatures on the application form.


2. Photos - One photo needs to be correctly endorsed by guarantor

Please check the photo guidelines and advise your photographer.

A guarantor has to sign section 11 of the application and endorse the back of “one” passport photo by writing 'This is a true photo of (the child’s full name)' and signing in black pen.

The guarantor:

·         must be an adult Australian citizen (unless you’re applying overseas) who has known the child for more than a year (or, if the child is less than a year old, since the child was born)

·         cannot be related in any way to the child or to a person who has parental responsibility for the child, or in a de facto relationship with a person who has parental responsibility, or living at the same address as the child or a person with parental responsibility.

If you’re applying overseas, the guarantor can be someone with a current Australian passport, or a person of any nationality who’s employed in an approved occupational group. 

·         List of Approved Professional or Occupational Groups

Note: Photographs should not be photo-shopped, altered or re-touched.

Photographs taken with digital cameras must be high quality colour and printed on photo quality paper; poor quality photograph will be rejected.

New policy on passport photos

Australia Passport Office no longer allows glasses in passport photos taken from 1 July 2018. 

Glasses may be allowed in rare circumstances where glasses cannot be removed for medical reasons (e.g. the applicant has severe light sensitivity or recently had eye surgery and glasses are necessary to protect their eyes).  In these cases, a medical certificate is required to be presented at lodgement of the passport application. 

The medical certificate must be signed by a medical practitioner and state the medical reason glasses cannot be removed.


3. Current Passport only for Child Passport Renewal


4. Proof of Australian Citizenship

Applicant born in Australia:
Original Australian Birth Certificate
Applicant born in Korea or Overseas:
Original Australian Citizenship Certificate "and"
Original Overseas Birth Certificate;

-          Birth Certificate issued by the local hospital in the Republic of Korea (in English)


-          English Certificate of Family Relations of the Republic of Korea

From 27 December 2019, the Korean government commenced to issue the English Certificate of Family Relations.

This document can be issued at the nearest Community Services Centre/Gu Office or


-          Combination of translated/certified Basic Certificate and Family relations certificate of the Republic of Korea

For those who are not eligible to get an English Certificate of Family Relations of the Republic of Korea


5. Lodging parent's proof of identification

The passport application must be lodged in person by one of the person with parental responsibility.

The person lodging the application is required to submit a proof of identification and this must show the name, photo, current address and signature. If the identification is in a foreign language, translation of the identification is not required. When one parent is in Australia or overseas he/she needs to visit a nearest Australian Mission, Australian Passport Office or Australian Post Office to complete the consent form with their valid identification. The completed form and a certified copy of the identification are required to send to the Embassy directly from the office and not by the individual.


6. Payment

Fees apply for all services. Fees are only accepted by credit card or debit card.


*Obligations of Foreigner residing in the Republic of Korea (Alien Registration Matters)

The Korean Immigration Service and the Ministry of Justice in the Republic of Korea advise that registered foreign nationals are required to report any changes in their alien registration matters to the Chief of the Immigration Office.

·         This includes changes in:

·         Name

·         Gender

·         Date of birth

·         Nationality

·         Place of stay

·         Passport number and its issue/expiry date

For change to passport number or issue/expiry date, the mandatory reporting period is 30 days after the Issue Date of a new passport. For all other changes the mandatory reporting period is 14 days. In accordance with Article 100 of the Immigration Act, administrative fines of less than one million KRW are imposed for violations of the provision of the Act.

Report of these changes can be made through e-application service at, civil petitions by facsimile service (1577-1346), or you may also visit jurisdictional immigration offices to report the changes. Required documents are copies of your new passport and alien registration card. 

Should you require further assistance on this matter please contact the Immigration Contact Centre at 1345.

